I saw someone planning their 400 mile tour and asking people where “endless red lights” were. Those that “sense” a vehicle and turn green.
Those lights use induction loops embedded in the tarmac. Induction should immediately make you thing of electricity and magnets. The specific science is known as “eddy current”, but outside all that jargon the key take away is that they sense and depend on magnetic currents induced by low voltage in a massive coil
Our bikes don’t have enough metal for the coil to sense, but we can spoof some magnetic force with… MAGNETS.
You can buy ready made solutions, or just fasten some heavy duty “neodymium” magnets to your bike. Specifically 2 magnets in fixed, but close proximately interacting with each other. I found 2 discs (hollow center) that I sandwiched a piece of plywood, and the bolt-through connects to my frame. It kind of fits right behind my engine so it’s out of the way.

Anyway, it works, triggers red lights like a car, it works best if I can get near the coil (sometimes you’ll see lines) but seems to work most always.